lauantai 6. joulukuuta 2014

It's a Privilege to Be Independent

"Today I feel blessed. During these four months I have made unforgettable memories, met new people, and become a part of an amazing family. I have also learned to appreciate my home country in a new way. Right now I feel so privileged to be a Finn. It's a gift to be born to Finland. It's a privilege to be born to a free, independent country. I love it here in Nebraska and I wouldn't want to spend my exchange year anywhere else, but change makes you see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. Today we celebrate Finland's 97th birthday and honor the veterans who fought for their lives to provide an independent country for us. Right now independence is as obvious as free college and free health care, but it wasn't obvious less than a hundred years ago. Not all countries are independent, not all nations have their own country. That's why I feel so grateful."

Joskus pitää lähteä kauas nähdäkseen lähelle. Oon aina arvostanut Suomea, mutta täällä ollessani arvostus on vaan kasvanut. Tällä hetkellä oon niin ylpeä että mun kotimaa on Suomi.

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